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All'indomani della pubblicazione dell'accordo tra ISAF e Société Nautique de Genève, il Golden Gate Yacht Club ha rilasciato una dichiarazione per voce di Tom...

[singlepic id=759 w=204 h=300 float=left]America’s Cup – San Diego – All’indomani della pubblicazione dell’accordo tra ISAF e Société Nautique de Genève, il Golden Gate Yacht Club ha rilasciato una dichiarazione per voce di Tom Ehman.

“Il Golden Gate Yacht Club avanza nuovamente la ragionevole richiesta affinché la 33ma America’s Cup venga corsa sotto le tipiche regole ISAF e non sotto quell’ibrida versione che la Société Nautique de Genève si è ritagliata sulla base dei suoi interessi e ha definito con l’accordo segreto raggiunto con l’ISAF stessa.

La Societè Nautique de Genève è chiaramente obbligata a regatare sotto le norme ISAF, perchè sono le regole accettate dal suo club. Perchè la 33ma Amerca’s Cup venga considerata una manifestazione equa e competitiva abbiamo bisogno di assicurarci che, tra le altre cose:
– che la Société Nautique de Genève possa emendere le sue regole di regata unicamaente con il mutuo consenso del Golden Gate Yacht Club;
– che la Société Nautique de Genève non possa avere un potere di veto sulla nomina della Giuria;
– che le normali procedure di riparazione siano applicate, con la Giuria libera di interpretare ed emendare le regole;
– che la Société Nautique de Genève  non possa ottenere interpretazioni confidenziali da ufficiali di regata che non siano anche a disposizione di Golden Gate Yacht Club;
– che il testo dell’accordo stesso sia formalmente ed ufficialmente rivisto e non potrà essere modificato con comunicati stampa o lettere di accompagnamento…”

Per leggere il documento originale clicca qui.

[BMW Oracle Racing Press Release] “Golden Gate Yacht Club re- asserts its reasonable request that the 33rd America’s Cup be sailed under the undoctored International Sailing Federation (ISAF) rules and not some hybrid version which the Société Nautique de Genève has tailored for its own benefit under the scope granted to it in the secret agreement struck with ISAF.

This agreement is now public, as Golden Gate Yacht Club requested. Some of the terms of the agreement have been altered but there is still a long way to go before the 33rd America’s Cup can be considered a legitimate competition for both defender and challenger.

Société Nautique de Genève is clearly bound by the Deed of Gift to sail under ISAF rules because they are the rules of the defending club. To achieve a competitive and legitimate 33rd America’s Cup, we need to ensure, among other concerns, that:
– Société Nautique de Genève can only amend its normal racing rules with the mutual consent of Golden Gate Yacht Club, per the Deed of Gift;
– Société Nautique de Genève does not have a veto power over the appointment of the jury;
–  The normal ISAF redress procedures are in effect, with the jury freely able to interpret or amend the rules as it sees fit;
– Société Nautique de Genève is not permitted to obtain confidential interpretations from the officials that are not also available to Golden Gate Yacht Club;
– The text of the agreement itself is formally and officially revised, not purported to be amended via press releases and side letter.

Golden Gate Yacht Club will continue to work to ensure a set of rules that are fair to both competing teams.

We appreciate the strong showing of support from the international sailing community and media for our court motion to compel public disclosure of the agreement between Société Nautique de Genève and ISAF, which had been executed in secret.

We remain excited about racing for the 33rd America’s Cup in February 2010 provided that we are treated like any other competitor in any other regatta in the world – able to compete under ISAF’s rules and regulations”.

To read the original document click here.

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