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Dopo gli Amicus Curiae presentati dal New York Yacht Club e dal San Diego Yacht Club, altre figure preminenti del mondo dell'America's Cup starebbero...

[singlepic=1222,170,250,,left]America’s Cup – New York – Dopo gli Amicus Curiae presentati dal New York Yacht Club e dal San Diego Yacht Club, altre figure preminenti del mondo dell’America’s Cup starebbero per depositare nuovi atti davanti ai giudici della Corte d’Appello dello Stato di New York. BYM News indica come promotori di questa iniziativa legale Bill Koch, vincitore della Coppa America nel 1992 con America Cubed, e John Bertrand, skipper di Australia II nel 1983. Sebbene i contenuti esatti delle mozioni restino ancora sconosciuti, sembra che le stesse mettano in discussione la rispondenza della Société Nautique de Gèneve al ruolo di fiduciario della Coppa America.

Resta da capire quale peso daranno i giudici ai numerosi Amicus Curiae presentati nel corso delle ultime settimane. Certo, il Golden Gate Yacht Club e BMW Oracle Racing possono contare sull’appoggio del New York Yacht Club, estensore del Deed of Gift e detentore del trofeo per oltre centovent’anni. Appare quindi ovvio che l’atto depositato dal sodalizio newyorkese abbia  maggiore autorevolezza rispetto ai due presentati con firma congiunta da una decina di consorzi inseriti da Alinghi nella lista ufficiale degli sfidanti alla 33ma America’s Cup.

Discorso diverso vale per l’Amicus Curiae del San Diego Yacht Club. Uno dei giudici della Corte di Appello, Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick, è lo stesso che, nel 1987, invalidò i risultati delle regate tra Stars&Stripes, il catamarano di Dennis Conner, e New Zealand, il gigantesco monoscafo fatto costruire da Michael Fay. Nel motivare la sua sentenza, il giudice Ciparick sostenne che il San Diego Yacht Club aveva “violato lo spirito del Deed of Gift”.

[Source BYM News] Following Amici Curiae filed by the New York Yacht Club and the San Diego Yacht Club, it is believed that several prominent America’s Cup figures are intent on making another submission to the New York Courts.

The nature of the submission is not yet clear, but signatories are believed to include Bill Koch, who won the America’s Cup, in 1992, with America Cubed, and John Bertrand, who skippered Australia II to an America’s Cup victory in 1983.

Opinion, in America’s Cup circles, is divided about the likely impact of the Amici Curiae filed on both sides. The consensus appears to be that the NYYC Amicus in support of GGYC, coming from the original trustee, will carry considerably more weight than the 10 Amici, from ‘would be’ AC33 contenders that support SNG. The value of the SDYC Amicus is considered moot, especially as one of the Appeal Court judges, Justice Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick, is the judge that invalidated the results of the races between Dennis Conner’s catamaran, Stars & Stripes, and Michael Fay’s monohull, New Zealand, in the 1988 America’s Cup. In her ruling, Ciparick said that the San Diego Yacht Club had “violated the spirit of the Deed of Gift.”

The concern for SNG must be that the document that is expected to be submitted tomorrow will be an attempt to have the Swiss Club declared to be an unfit trustee of the America’s Cup. Posters on the America’s Cup section of world’s most popular sailing forum, Sailing Anarchy, have been calling for this for some time. The most recent thread, following ACM’s rejection of the Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club’s entry for AC33, begins with a post from ‘Stingray’ in which he says “We got nailed this week by a decision to exclude us. Ernie’s guys had no standing to make that decision. No standing to announce what teams were in and what were not. It’s a very clear distinction made between the ‘Club’ and the ‘owner or owners.’ Right there with perfect clarity, in the Deed of Gift. They, the SNG, have been guilty of allowing this to go on. They did nothing to stop it. They abdicated. They do not deserve to be the trustee. The evidence shows they are in clear breach. How can we pursue this? I suspect that the NY Attorney General, because Sandstone (a lawyer member of SA) suggests it, is the right direction. Is it, and why?”

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