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Nonostante il consiglio a lasciar perdere da parte di Peter Gilmour, in Australia pare muoversi qualcosa in ottica America's Cup. Pare infatti che il...

America’s Cup – Sydney – Nonostante il consiglio a lasciar perdere da parte di Peter Gilmour, in Australia pare muoversi qualcosa in ottica America’s Cup. Sembra infatti che il noto velista aussie, Ludde Ingvall, skipper di YuuZoo Big Boat Racing Team, abbia presentato una Notice of Challenge al Golden Gate Yacht Club, attuale Defender del trofeo sportivo più antico al mondo. L’obiettivo di Ingvall è quello di riunire le risorse nazionali attorno a una sfida “popolare”.

“Puntiamo sui giovani più promettenti. Vogliamo richiamare i talenti più brillanti e farli regatare con possibilità di vittoria sotto la bandiera del loro paese – ha puntualizzato Ingvall, attualmente al comando dell’ex Nicorette, un Maxi di 92 piedi costruito nel 2004 su progetto di Alex Simonis – Vogliamo creare una tradizione per le generazioni future, qualcosa che possa trasformarsi in obiettivo, che possa spingere i ragazzi ad uscire dall’Australia per andare a cimentarsi con i velisti di ogni angolo del mondo”.

Del sindacato fa parte anche l’esperto di multiscafi Peter Baker: “L’Australia ha già sfidato la Coppa per sette volte e in una occasione è stata Defender. In diverse occasioni ha fornito un grande numero di velisti ai team partecipanti. Basti pensare che l’ultima America’s Cup è stata vinta da un australiano per conto degli Stati Uniti su una barca disegnata da un australiano contro un’altra barca costruita dagli svizzeri su concetto… australiano. Crediamo sia giunto il momento di riportare tutti a casa”.

Entrando nello specifico, Ingvall ha spiegato: “Vogliamo davvero che ognuno lavori nell’ottica di una sfida popolare che porti benifici a tutti gli australiani. La nuova Coppa America rappresenta l’opportunità di porsi davanti a tutti tanto dal punto di vista sportivo, quanto da quello tecnologico. Essere nella Coppa vuol dire lavorare per poter portare alcune regate qui in Australia con grandi vantaggi per il turismo e per la soddisfazione dei fan, che avranno modo di vedere il team in azione nelle acque di casa. Solo così potremmo coinvolgere il pubblico australiano, le aziende locali e le istituzioni. Abbiamo da poco avviato degli studi per valutare l’impatto economico generato da una sfida del genere”

Il sindacato, sponsorizzato da YuuZoo, sito di sharing internet dedicato al mondo della telefonia, ha attivato un Advisory Panel per verificare la risposta da parte della comunità velica e ha aperto un Supporter Club per cercare il supporto del pubblico australiano. Gli uomini di Ingvall si sono mossi anche a livello politico, coinvolgendo il Ministero per lo Sport e il Turismo.

Per visitare il sito di YuuZoo Big Boat Racing Team clicca qui.

[Source YouZoo Big Boat Racing Team] Today a Syndicate of Australians including legendary yachtsman Ludde Ingvall, skipper of the YuuZoo Big Boat Racing Team, has submitted a Notice of Challenge to the defending Golden Gate Yacht Club of San Francisco. The Syndicate aims to bring together nationwide resources and skills in a true people’s challenge. Lodging the application reserves a place for Australia to return to competition for the world’s oldest international sporting trophy.

Ludde Ingvall: “Excellence in youth sailing is my objective. We want to bring home the many talented Australians sailing for other countries and give them a chance to compete for their country. We want to create a legacy for future generations, something to aspire to, a reason for any Australian youngster to get out there and take part in our wonderful sport of sailing at all levels.”

Project manager Dario Valenza: “Bringing an event to Australia would rival Oprah’s visit in tourism value as well as boosting Australia’s marine industry.”

Syndicate member and multi hull expert Peter Baker: “Australia has been the challenger at seven and the defender at one of the 33 America’s Cup events so far and has sought to challenge on three other occasions. Australia has provided America’s Cup teams worldwide with more members than any other nation in modern times. We want to bring them home. The last America’s Cup was won for the USA by an Australian skipper on a boat designed by an Australian racing against another boat designed by an Australian for a Swiss team. Yet Australia has been out of the game for 13 years.”

YuuZoo Co Founder Ron Creevey says: “We are delighted and excited about partnering with the Big Boat Racing Team to work on the feasibility for the Australian America’s Cup entry. Personally I would like to call on other Australian corporations and individuals to get behind the idea and bring the America’s Cup back to Australia. We have watched the cream of Australian talent such as James Spithill and Adam Beashel compete for many countries over the past 20 years and it will be extremely satisfying for YuuZoo to be involved by providing the platform for talented Australians to represent our country.”

The best sailors on the fastest boats
The F1 of sailing. This is the new format America’s Cup: a level playing field where giant, faster than the wind, 22 metre catamarans powered by 40 metre rigid wings fly on the edge of control with one hull in the water and the other metres above. The furious action takes place in locations across the globe including Australia. On courses which are chosen as natural amphitheatres, close to shore where spectators can almost reach out and touch the amazing machines dueling in short races in rapid succession.

An independently managed, ongoing Annual World Tour is planned and part of the Syndicate’s strategy is to stage events in Australia.

The new boats will test strength and finesse, require nerves of steel and super fast reflexes. Skills required in all sailing but honed to perfection in the giant AC72 yachts. The new Australian Syndicate wants to bring AC Supporters together in giving young, talented Australian sailors the chance to step up and shine on the world stage.

Ludde Ingvall: “We want to get everyone working together to make possible a true people’s challenge for the benefit of all Australians. The new format America’s Cup is a once in a lifetime chance to jump to the front of a sporting and technological revolution. Being part of the America’s Cup also means bringing races to Australia, fantastic for tourism and the chance for Australian fans to see their team in action. Our aim is to engage the Australian public, corporate Australia and Australian sailing institutions such as yacht clubs and associations. We are undertaking due diligence with well respected business advisors reporting on the economic impact of taking part in what is the third largest sporting event in the world.”

The Syndicate is seeking the advice of the sailing community through an Advisory Panel, seeking the support of the Australian public through a Supporters Club and the support of the Australian Government through both Sport and Tourism Authorities. “Most importantly we need the support of the whole Australian sailing community,” said Ludde Ingvall.

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