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L'ISAF ha pubblicato sul proprio sito il Case Book valido per il quadriennio 2009-2012, un manuale contenente le interpretazioni alle Regole di Regata. La...

[singlepic=1842,170,250,,left]ISAF – Southampton – L’ISAF ha pubblicato sul proprio sito il Case Book valido per il quadriennio 2009-2012, un manuale contenente le interpretazioni alle Regole di Regata. La nuova edizione del Case Book è una versione rivista e corretta della precedente e riflette i cambiamenti introdotti nel regolamento entrato in vigore l’1 gennaio 2009.

La guida, redatta con l’obiettivo di spiegare in modo dettagliato il reale significato delle regole più complesse, è uno dei vademecum più utilizzati da agonisti e addetti ai lavori da oltre 40 anni perchè spiega come applicare le normative in oltre 100 casi pratici. Nella versione messa a disposizione del pubblico questa mattina vengono considerati 8 nuovi scenari.

Dick Rose, presidente del Case Book Working Party, ha commentato: “Siamo lieti di mettere a disposizione di tutti il Case Book 2009-2012. Di anno in anno il Case Book viene migliorato e implementato con lo scopo di farlo diventare un documento indispensabile per i velisti e i giudici di regata. Anche in questo caso ci sono volute centinaia di ore di lavoro per preparare la versione 2009-2012 ed è solo grazie all’impegno profuso da tutti i partecipanti al gruppo di lavoro che è stato possibile portare a termine l’opera”.

Per scaricare il Case Book 2009-2012 clicca qui.

[ISAF Press Release] The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) announced today that The Case Book for 2009-2012, which contains interpretations of The Racing Rules of Sailing, has been released and published on the ISAF website –

The new edition of The Case Book is a revision of the previous edition which reflects changes in The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2009-2012 (RRS), which came into force on 1 January 2009. In line with one of ISAF’s key stated objectives, to “establish, supervise, interpret and amend the rules regulating sailboat racing”, the RRS are revised and published every four years. In order to maximize the understanding of the rules, ISAF has been publishing interpretations of the RRS for over 40 years in The Case Book, which provides details on the application of the rules to around 100 scenarios.

The release of The Case Book for 2009-2012 follows a complete review of all the cases previously published, along with eight new cases adopted by the ISAF Council since the publication of the previous edition. The principal aims of the Cases are to clarify an important meaning in a rule or to increase the understanding of a complex rule. For sailors, from club level right up to Olympic medallists, it is an essential aid to gaining mastery of the rules, whilst for race officials it is a crucial tool in establishing and maintaining consistency in decision-making.

Dick Rose, chairman of the Case Book Working Party, said: “We are delighted to publish The Case Book for 2009-2012 and make it available for all sailors to download from the ISAF website. Over many years the Case Book has been refined and improved to maximize its usefulness for both sailors and officials. Hundreds of hours of work have gone into preparing The Case Book for 2009-2012 and I would like to thank the other members of our Working Party that have made its publication possible.”

The Case Book for 2009-2012 was prepared by the Case Book Working Party which consists of Chairman Dick Rose, Bill Bentsen, Josje Hofland-Dominicus, Trevor Lewis and Bo Samuelsson.

New cases may be added each year in November during the ISAF Annual Conference, and sometimes cases are revised or deleted. Case Book Supplements are issued at the start of each year and published on the ISAF website. In addition, each year the version of the Case Book that appears on the ISAF website will be revised to include new cases and to reflect any other changes made in that year’s annual supplement.

The latest and archive versions of The Racing Rules of Sailing and the ISAF Case Book are available from the ISAF Documents & Rules area under ‘Racing Rules of Sailing’.

To read the Case Book 2009-2012 click here.

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