Star World Championship, Merriman-Trinter vincono la quinta regata
Classi OlimpicheVela 21 Gennaio 2010 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=4866 w=300 h=204 float=left]Star World Championship – Rio de Janeiro – Sono Rick Merriman e Phil Trinter i vincitori della quinta e penultima prova del Mondiale Star di Rio de Janeiro. I due statunitensi, che già ieri erano finiti al secondo posto dietro a Iain Percy ed Andrew Simpson, hanno tenuto testa all’esuberanza di Lars Grael e Ronal Seifert, obbligandoli sul gradino di mezzo del podio.
Giunti quarti dietro a Torben Grael e Marcelo Ferreira, i campioni olimpici Percy-Simpson sono ormai a un passo dalla vittoria: nella prova conclusiva, infatti, basterà loro agguantare una piazza tre i primi dieci per fregiarsi del titolo iridato della regina delle Classi Olimpiche.
Speranze di rimonta ridotta al lumicino, quindi, per Flavio Marazzi ed Enrico De Maria che, in ritardo di otto punti rispetto ai battistrada, sanno di essere nella condizioni di dover pretendere il meglio da sé stessi per poi restare affacciati alla finestra ad osservare-
Chi di sperare ha già smesso, vista la matematica impossibilità di raggiungere la prima posizione, sono Alan Adler e Guilherme de Alameida, cui non rimane che difendere il bronzo dagli attacchi di Robert Scheidt e Bruno Prada.
La giornata odierna è stata avara di soddisfazioni per Diego Neri e Fernando Colaninno, scivolati in decima posizione dopo il tredicesimo in gara cinque.
Star World Championship
1. Percy-Simpson, 2-11-2-1-4, pt. 9
2. Marazzi-de Maria, 30-1-6-4-6, pt. 17
3. Adler-de Almeida, 6-5-11-13-9, pt. 31
4. Babendererde-Jacobs, 1-8-39-8-15, pt. 32
5. Scheidt-Prada, 3-19-50-5-5, pt. 32
Per leggere la classifica clicca qui.
[Star International Class Press Release] Rick Merriman and Phil Trinter snatched the lead from Lars Grael and Ronal Seifert on the first run of Race 5 of the 2010 Star World Championship in Rio de Janeiro and followed up yesterday’s second place finish with a bullet. “We’re smoking downwind,” said Merriman. The pair watched regatta leaders Iain Percy and Andrew “Bart” Simpson jibe of inside them during the initial part of the first run and lose boats. “That was the signal to continue on without jibing,” said Trinter.
Percy-Simpson have to wait another day to see if they will bag the 2010 Star World Championship title. The Brits had climbed into fifth place by the second weather mark and saw Flavio Marazzi and Enrico De Maria round in ninth place. To win the World Championship title today, their job was to try to pass more boats than the Swiss, which is not an easy feat when Lars Grael and Ronald Seifert, Torben Grael and Marcelo Ferreira and Juan K. and Alejandro Colla are your only options, because the Americans were far in the lead. Marazzi-De Maria’s job was equally difficult with Olympians Marin Lovrovic and Sinisia Mikulicic, Robert Scheidt and Bruno Prada and Gastao Brun and Gustavo Kunze between them and the Brits. Olympians, World Champions and fast young Germans were immediately on their tail.
Percy commented on the point separation throughout the second half of the race: “We always had an eye on them. We knew that we could get fourth comfortably. We were going fast and they were fast on the runs, especially when the wind lightened”.
Delighted with the day, Percy said, “I haven’t thought about tomorrow’s strategy. We hold all of the cards and will decide how to approach it. If the breeze is up, we’ll probably yacht around and try to win the race”. It’s up to Marazzi-De Maria to win or take second and be eight points ahead of the 2002 Star World Champion and his partner in winning the 2008 Olympic Gold Medal.
To celebrate the special holiday in Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian Star teams put on a dazzling show on the water. There were five Brazilians in the top 10. Lars Grael and Ronald Seifert, who finished second, led the Brazilians. Toben Grael and Marcello Ferreira were third, Scheidt-Prada were fifth, Brun-Kunze were eighth and Alan Adler and Guilherme de Alemeida finished tenth.
Lars Grael remarked: “With Torben and Marcello right behind us, I knew that I had to push hard all of the time”. He took special pride in his and Torben’s consecutive finishes. “When we crossed the line, I saw both of my uncles (Axel and Erik Schmidt Grael) watching us from their boat and they were crying. They taught us how to sail and won the Snipe Worlds together three times, won a Gold and Silver medal in the Pan Am Games and represented Brazil in the Soling and the Star in the 1968 and 1972 Olympics”.
Marazzi-De Maria pulled into second place overall in the regatta and are the only team who have a chance to beat Percy-Simpson. Adler-de Alemeida are in third place, 14 points behind the Swiss with Johannes Babendererde and Timo Jacobs are tied with Scheidt-Prada, the 2007 Star World Champions, just one point behind. Rounding out the top ten are the Grael teams, Eivind Melleby and Petter Morland Pedersen, Kouyoumdjian-Colla and Diego Negri and Nando Colaninno. You can bet everyone will have their decks marked with grease pencils to help them with quick calculations during Race 6, the final, race of the 2010 Star World Championship in Rio de Janeiro.
Star World Championship
1. Percy-Simpson, 2-11-2-1-4, pt. 9
2. Marazzi-de Maria, 30-1-6-4-6, pt. 17
3. Adler-de Almeida, 6-5-11-13-9, pt. 31
4. Babendererde-Jacobs, 1-8-39-8-15, pt. 32
5. Scheidt-Prada, 3-19-50-5-5, pt. 32
To read the standing click here.
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