GP42 Global Cup, da oggi si regata a Puerto Calero
GP 42Level ClassVela 13 Ottobre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=4342 w=300 h=204 float=left]GP42 Global Cup – Puerto Calero – Sono 8 i GP42 che da domani pomeriggio daranno vita alla GP42 Global Cup. In programma a Puerto Calero, l’evento raduna tutti i protagonisti del circuito Audi MedCup più 3 new entry che non hanno voluto mancare l’appuntamento per certi versi più atteso dalla classe internazionale.
Ai soliti noti, Islas Canarias Puerto Calero, vincitore del circuito, Caser Endesa, Turismo Madrid, Airis, Roma si sono aggiunti i portoghesi di Quebramar Xacobeo 2010, gli inglesi di Peninsula Petroleum, con al timone il talento spagnolo Inaki Castenar, e gli svedesi di Swedish Team Nordic, guidati da Magnus Olsson, già skipper di Ericsson 3 nel corso dell’ultima Volvo Ocean Race.
I team si sono radunati già da qualche giorno per prendere confidenza con il campo di regata e godere delle ottime condizioni meteo che renderanno la manifestazione un sicuro successo: “Negli ultimi giorni il vento ha soffiato tra i 15 e i 17 nodi – ha spiegato José Maria Calero, padrone di caso e armatore di Islas Canarias Puerto Calero – Era da un pò che non navigavamo sul GP42, dato che dopo Cartagena siamo stati impegnati sull’RC44, ma non c’è voluto molto per tornare a familiarizzare con una barca del genere. Non vediamo l’ora di navigare nelle acque di casa e cercare di fare del nostro meglio”.
La GP42 Global Cup si articolerà su una serie di regate a bastone che impegneranno gli equipaggi sino a sabato, giornata in cui è previsto lo svolgimento delle ultime manche.
Per consultare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.
[Source GP42 Global Cup] The GP42 Global Cup official programme of activities commences tomorrow in Puerto Calero with the official training day. Racing will start in Lanzarote on Wednesday 14th and run through to Saturday 17th. This afternoon the eight boats that have confirmed entry are all moored in the Puerto Calero marina.
The GP42 Global Cup, organised by Puerto Calero and World Sailing Management will take place in Lanzarote. Eight teams from five countries will take part in the event which is considered to be the World Championship for the GP42 Class.
Three Spanish teams, two Italians, one Portuguese, a Swedish and British team make up the fleet. The Spanish contingency is led by the 2009 Audi MedCup Circuit champion in the GP42 Series, Islas Canarias Puerto Calero, owned by José Antonio Calero and which is skippered by José María Ponce; Caser Endesa owned by Javier Goizueta, with Juanlu Páez at the helm, and Turismo Madrid owned by Olympic champion sailor, José María van der Ploeg.
Two teams sail under the Italy flag; Roma owned by Filippo Farufini and Airis owned by Roberto Monti. The Portuguese entry, Quebramar Xacobeo 2010 owned by Gonçalo Esteves counts with the Spanish Felipe Regojo at the helm.
Finally, two new campaigns make their debut in the GP42 fleet: the British entry, Península Petroleum owned by John Bassadone, with Spanish sailing star Iñaki Castañer on board and the Swedish Team Nordic, helmed by Magnus Olsson, a person familiar to Puerto Calero as Ericsson 3 Round the World Race helmsman.
The different teams have been training off the Lanzarote coastline today in preparation for the start of the competition. Tomorrow, Tuesday 13th, the Official Training Race is set to start from 14.00. Competition starts proper on Wednesday with windward-leeward courses. Racing in the GP42 Global Cup concludes next Saturday.
José María Calero, owner of Islas Canarias Puerto Calero explains today: “We have been out trying in approximately 15 knots of breeze and had up to 17 knots. Since Cartagena we have sailed on another team boat, an RC44, but today we have really found out GP42 in shape. We are looking forward to competing once again and doing it at home as best we can”.
To visit the event website click here.
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