RC44 Championship Tour, tutto pronto sul Lago Traunsee
MonotipiaRC44Vela 28 Aprile 2010 Zerogradinord 0
RC44 Championship Tour – Lago Traunsee – Inizierà domani la seconda tappa dell’RC44 Championship Tour. In programma sul Lago Traunsee, l’RC44 Austria Cup vedrà al via dieci team. Tra questi anche BMW Oracle Racing e il suo timoniere James Spithill che sfiderà Larry Ellison e Russell Coutts da bordo di RC44 Challenge. Con Spithill, alla guida di un equipaggio composto da star di Coppa America e semplici amatori, regaterà John Kostecki: “Non vedo l’ora di rientrare nella classe – dichara Spithill alla vigilia della prima regata – Ci sono davvero i migliori velisti al mondo e le barche sono davvero uniche. Abbiamo un team fantastico, reso unico dalla presenza di Kostecki alla tattica e Joey Newton alle scotte”.
Altro volto nuovo tra le boe dell’evento sarà quello di Harm Muller Spreer. L’ex armatore del TP52 Platoon, che in palmares vanta una lunga serie di successi in classe Dragone, sarà al timone di Team Sea Dubai.
Come dicevamo in apertura, anche Russell Coutts sarà al rientro. Il presidente della classe era fuori dal giro sin dalla Portoroz Cup dello scorso anno. Coutts sarà al timone di BMW Oracle Racing durante l’evento di match race e verrà sostituito da Larry Ellison in occasione delle regate di flotta.
RC44 Austria Cup, entry list
Team No Way Back (Pieter Heerema-Ray Davies)
Artemis (Torbjorn Tornqvist-Terry Hutchinson)
Team Ceeref (Igor Lah-Rod Davis)
BMW Oracle Racing (Larry Ellison-Russell Coutts)
Team Aqua (Chris Bake-Cameron Appleton)
Team Islas Canarias Puerto Calero (Daniel Calero-José Maria Ponce)
Katusha (Paul Cayard)
Team Sea Dubai (Harm Muller Spreer-Markus Wieser)
Team Austria (René Mangold-Christian Binder)
RC44 Challenge (Ian Vickers-James Spithill)
[RC44 Championship Tour Press Release] The second regatta of the RC44 Championship Tour 2010 will begin on Thursday, April 29, on Lake Traunsee, in Austria. James Spithill, Russell Coutts and Larry Ellison make their come back on the circuit; they will sail against Ray Davies, Paul Cayard, Rod Davis, Markus Wieser, Terry Hutchinson, Cameron Appleton, Christian Binder and many more of the world’s best sailors… Tough job for the bookmakers!
Recent winner of the America’s Cup at the helm of BMW Oracle Racing, James “Jimmy” Spithill is the skipper of a new team called RC44 Challenge. His crew is made up of a combination of America’s Cup sailors – such as John Kostecki – and genuine amateurs, as required by the Class rules. RC44 Challenge will with no doubt immediately become one of the favourites of the event. “I am really looking forward to returning to the RC44 Class”, says Spithill. “It attracts the world’s best sailors from both match racing and fleet racing, plus the boats are incredibly rewarding to sail and certainly one of the reasons I’m back. We have a fantastic team. John Kostecki will be tactician and Joey Newton trimming, both who raced on the BOR 90 trimaran.”
Other new faces involved in the RC44 Austria Cup include Harm Müller Spreer, who will be Team Sea Dubai’s fleet race helmsman. Owner of the well known TP52 Platoon, Harm Müller Spreer is a successful Dragon sailor; he became European champion in 2004, finished second at the 2005 worlds and is a triple Gold Cup winner.
Russell Coutts is also back on the circuit for the first time since last year’s Portoroz Cup. Larry Ellison will steer BMW Oracle Racing during the fleet races whilst Coutts will be at the helm on Thursday and Friday for the match race.
Finally, Team Austria, the local team headed by René Mangold, will be keen to perform in front of its public. The Austrians managed to win two fleet races in Dubai earlier in the season. “We have improved a lot but we need more continuity”, comments Christian Binder, the team’s match race helmsman and tactician.
RC44 Austria Cup, entry list
Team No Way Back (Pieter Heerema-Ray Davies)
Artemis (Torbjorn Tornqvist-Terry Hutchinson)
Team Ceeref (Igor Lah-Rod Davis)
BMW Oracle Racing (Larry Ellison-Russell Coutts)
Team Aqua (Chris Bake-Cameron Appleton)
Team Islas Canarias Puerto Calero (Daniel Calero-José Maria Ponce)
Katusha (Paul Cayard)
Team Sea Dubai (Harm Muller Spreer-Markus Wieser)
Team Austria (René Mangold-Christian Binder)
RC44 Challenge (Ian Vickers-James Spithill)
Vela20881 | In evidenza6127 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2723 | |
Breaking news2565 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2004 | English1734 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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