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Spinti da una bella brezza proveniente dai quadranti settentrionali, i solitari della Transat 650 stanno attraversando il Golfo di Biscaglia a tutta velocità. Condizioni...

Transat 6.50 – Oceano Atlantico – Spinti da una bella brezza proveniente dai quadranti settentrionali, i solitari della Transat 650 stanno attraversando il Golfo di Biscaglia a tutta velocità. Condizioni ideali per permettere ai corpi di fondersi con le barche, alla ricerca di un ritmo assolutamente individuale. Se da un lato c’è già chi alza bandiera bianca, messo alle corde da probemi di varia natura, dall’altro gli skipper più preparati hanno approfittato delle prime 24 ore per premere il piede sull’acceleratore e scavare un primo solco tra sé stessi e gli inseguitori.

Viaggiando ad una media superiore ai 10 nodi, i Prototipi hanno coperto parecchia strada alla volta delle Canarie. Henri Paul Schipman, balzato al comando dalle metà della notte, ha fatto valere la sua ottima preparazione fisica. Dal momento della partenza, infatti, non ha mai mollato il timone, se non per magiare una barretta energetica e bere un caffè. Leggermente sopravento a lui, Thomas Ruyant si è ripreso molto bene dall’errore commesso ieri in partenza – era trai componenti del gruppo che ha scambiato una boa utilizzata per delimitare il percorso per quella di disimpegno – e si è portato a meno di un miglio dal battistrada. Più a sud della rotta ideale naviga Stéphane Le Diraison, seguito da Remi Auburn. Andrea Caracci è nono a poco più di 28 miglia da Schipman.

Pronostici per ora rispettati tra gli scafi di Serie, dove Francisco Lobato ha messo il turbo, prendendo la testa della regata sin dalle prime ore di navigazione. Roff TMN è a sole 10 miglia da Maisone de l’Avenir Urbatyis, lo scafo di HP Shipman. Un passo, quello di Lobato, utile per fare il vuoto. L’unico a tenere il passo del lusitano è Xavier Macaire, staccato di 4 miglia. Gli altri, a partire dall’ottimo Riccardo Apolloni, posizionato al meglio per cogliere l’annunciato salto di vento in prossimità di Cape Finisterre, sono in doppia cifra.

Ranking at 17.00 UTC
Prototypes: 1. H.P.Schipman (Maisons de l’Avenir – Urbatys) DTF 844.37; 2. T.Ruyant (Faber France) +0.58 nm; 3. X.Haize (Interface Concept) +10.17 nm; S.Lediraison (Cultisol) +13.82 nm; B.Delesne (Entreprendre Durablement) +20.25 nm…
Serie: 1. F.Lobato (Roff Tmn) DTF 855.12; 2. X.Macaire (Masoco Bay) +4.05 nm; 3. R.Appoloni (Ma Vie Pour Mapei) +10.16 nm; 4. C.Dalie (Chercer Sponsor) +22.31 nm; 5. H.Meyniel (Bevac Consulting) +22.78 nm…

[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Transat650_130909.flv /]
Video copyright Transat 6.50.

[Transat 6.50 Press Release] Undoubtedly, the first 24 hours ran at express speed should begin to tire the 85 sailors’ bodies and souls. As different routing programs augured the Minis cross the Gulf of Biscay at full speed, driven by a strong Northeast flow. The fleet randomly met problems and breakage and soon the first returns to the port occurred for the unfortunate ones, while the head of the fleet is battling hard. Because of the fatigue, the race’s strategies are pushier. In the lead, the best prepared sailboats with the most sharp skippers at the helm, are determined to enjoy these moments when race comes into heads and bodies are not fully manned or tuned with the elements. Francisco Lobato (Roff Tmn No. 607) and Xavier Macaire (Masoco Bay No. 472) in series, Henri-Paul Schipman (Maison de l’avenir Urbatys No. 716) and Thomas Ruyant (Faber France No. 667) in prototypes perfectly illustrate this state of mind. At the helm under spinnaker, they constantly flirt with 12-13 knots, and settle pressure on the rest of the fleet.

HP as High Performances
At over 10 knots average speed, the 6.50 prototypes sailed downwind across the Bay of Biscay. HP Schipman, 1st since the middle of the night, gives the tone and the tempo of this first stage without showing any sign of weakness. Stuck to the helm, he attacks, leaving the control of his Lombard to the autopilot only for a coffee and an energy bar. Shifted slightly windward, Thomas Ruyant is credited with the first nice piece of bravery for the beginnings of the race with a thundering night come back from the depths of the rankings where his error had initially plunged him. Forced to pass the buoy again he was nearly an hour late. At over 12 knots in speed, he is about to win the lead. Shifted south of the direct route, Stéphane Le Diraison (Cultisol – Marins Sans Frontières), has Remi Auburn (AT Children’s Project) in his wake, and makes the most of his route. More than 30 miles north from him ideally placed to anticipate a future wind rotation to the North. The Delesne, Caracci, Boidevezi, Bourgues, Riechers are all about 25 miles of the leader HP.

Lobato is the boss
With almost identical basis to the best prototypes, the astonishing and formidable Portuguese Francisco Lobato also leads with his Serie Finot Roff TMN No. 607 at about 10 knots of average speed, he is at the moment only ten-miles behind HP Schipman. With a similar route, the young Portuguese can see over his shoulder, in technicolor and widescreen, the spinnaker of Xavier Macaire literally stuck in his wake. More than in protos, the lead is far away from the followers, and we find the third the Italian Riccardo Apolloni (Ma Vie Pour Mapei) 10 miles behind, in search of a second wind wiser before challenging the dreaded Cape Finisterre. At over 100 miles behind the leader, the young Sébastien Rogues (Eole Generation–GDF Suez) did not question himself. He left La Rochelle’s harbour, last night at midnight after repairing his damaged hull; and he does his best to join the fleet again. He met on is way; far north the unfortunate Fabien Sellier (Surfrider Foundation) who fights back upwind in big seas to reach the Charente-Maritime where, certainly, a new rudder awaits him. Hours of effort for 30 minutes of repair! But Fabien will leave again, just as Olivier Avram will probably before him (Cap World 2). So goes the race!

Ranking at 17.00 UTC
Prototypes: 1. H.P.Schipman (Maisons de l’Avenir – Urbatys) DTF 844.37; 2. T.Ruyant (Faber France) +0.58 nm; 3. X.Haize (Interface Concept) +10.17 nm; S.Lediraison (Cultisol) +13.82 nm; B.Delesne (Entreprendre Durablement) +20.25 nm…
Serie: 1. F.Lobato (Roff Tmn) DTF 855.12; 2. X.Macaire (Masoco Bay) +4.05 nm; 3. R.Appoloni (Ma Vie Pour Mapei) +10.16 nm; 4. C.Dalie (Chercer Sponsor) +22.31 nm; 5. H.Meyniel (Bevac Consulting) +22.78 nm…

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