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Si aprirà ufficialmente questa sera a Montecarlo con un party di benvenuto offerto dal coordinatore dei lavori, Pat Lilley, il World Yacht Racing Forum....

[singlepic=1048,250,170,,left]World Yacht Racing Forum – Principato di Monaco – Si aprirà ufficialmente questa sera a Montecarlo con un party di benvenuto offerto dal coordinatore dei lavori, Pat Lilley, il World Yacht Racing Forum. I primi dibattiti di quello che si annuncia come un meeting ricco di significati, si svolgeranno a partire da domani mattina e saranno introdotti da una presentazione di Sir Keith Mills, patron del sindacato di Coppa America britannico Team Origin e colonna portante del progetto Londra 2012.

A seguire quattro dibattiti, che tenteranno di rispondere alle domande: come possiamo guidare la crescita e lo sviluppo del nostro sport? Quali sono i fattori più importanti da seguire per assicurare il successo commerciale di una manifestazione sportiva? Come aumentare l’interesse dei media nei confronti della vela? Qual’è il futuro della Coppa America dopo la trentaduesima edizione?
Nel corso del pomeriggio, invece, prenderà la parola Bernard d’Alessandri, Segretario Generale dello Yacht Club di Monaco, che tratterà argomenti relativi alla crescita delle vele d’epoca, mentre il CEO della Volvo Ocean Race, Knut Frostad, aggiornerà i presenti sull’andamento della regata e illustrerà l’aspetto manageriale di un evento così complesso.

Giovedì, dopo un cocktail offerto dai responsabili del Motorsport Business Forum, il forum riprenderà con nuovi dibattiti. Si valuterà l’impatto che gli eventi velici hanno sulle città e sulle nazioni ospitanti, si discuterà di sponsorizzazioni e del loro effettivo ritorno e della crescita dell’interesse verso la vela delle nazioni asiatiche e medio-orientali.

Al World Yacht Racing Forum, che si svolgerà presso il Grimaldi Forum, sono attesi trecentocinquanta delegati, trentasette relatori provenienti da quindici nazioni differenti, e i rappresentanti di oltre sessanta media.

Per visitare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.

[World Yacht Racing Forum Pres Release] The principal actors of the world yacht racing scene are on their way to the first World Yacht Racing Forum, in Monaco. The event begins tonight, December 9, with an official welcome from Pat Lilley, the Chairman of the Forum, at a cocktail party at the Yacht Club de Monaco, offering participants the opportunity to get to know each other in an informal atmosphere.

The Forum officially starts on Wednesday December 10 with a keynote address by Sir Keith Mills, followed by four debates addressing some of the key issues our sport faces. Topics include: How do we drive the global growth of our sport? What are the Critical Factors to ensure Successful Commercial Event Management? How can we improve the exposure and interest of Sailing to Broadcast and Media? What is the future of the Americas Cup after AC 32?

Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club Monaco, host of the 2008 Forum, will also tell us about the growth of classic yacht racing, whilst Volvo Ocean Race CEO Knut Frostad will give us the latest news from the Volvo Ocean Race and offer an insight into the future of a global sailing event.

The ‘Track & Ocean’ cocktail reception, jointly hosted with the Motorsport Business Forum, will close the day and offer an ideal opportunity for delegates and exhibitors from both conferences to meet and network with each other.
Both events’ exhibitor areas will be accessible to all delegates throughout the two days, offering the opportunity to discover yacht racing accessories, venues, leading sailing media and sponsors on the lower floor whilst upstairs delegates will be able to meet exhibitors from the business world of Motorsports.

The sponsoring partners of the event, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority, Horus Watches and Oman Sail will also be there to welcome guests and showcase their products and activities, or their country’s extraordinary natural assets and facilities as a future yachting destination.

The second part of the event will take place on Thursday, with four more debates based on the following topics: The Impact of Sailing Events on Host Cities and Nations; The Value of Sailing Sponsorship – how effective is the Return?; The Rise of Yacht Racing Events in the Middle East & Asia; What is the Commercial Value, and the Future of Offshore Shorthanded Racing?

Altogether, some 350 delegates, 37 speakers from 15 different countries, sixty registered media and eighteen major sponsoring organisations have confirmed that they will attend the event.

The World Yacht Racing Forum has attracted a huge amount of interest from the Yacht Racing community as a whole, and an impressive line-up of speakers, sponsors and delegates. For a first show, and especially in these exceptional times, the Forum has achieved its first mission, and can now look forward to some fascinating debates over the coming days.

The Yacht Club de Monaco is the official host of the first edition of the conference, under the Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II.

To visit the event website click here.

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