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Ha preso il via in perfetto orario l'edizione 2010 della The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race, una lunga di quasi 2.000 miglia voluta...

The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race – Cowes – Ha preso il via in perfetto orario l’edizione 2010 della The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race, una lunga di quasi 2.000 miglia voluta dal RORC nei freddi mari del nord Europa. Alle 14.00, il Comitato di Regata ha dato inizio alla regata sotto un cielo plumbeo al fronte di raffiche tese da sudovest, comprese tra i 25 e i 30 nodi.

Al via grandissima è stata la battaglia tra ICAP Leopard e il VOR 70 Telefonica Azul. Partiti ingaggiati, i due equipaggi si sono fronteggiati durante il lungo bordo che ha portato la flotta, disseminata nella scia dei battistrada, fuori dal Solent. Meno brillante la partenza del VOR 70 Groupama – l’ex Ericsson 4 – ritardato da una collisione avvenuta con il Tonnere de Breskens quando le barche erano ancora all’ormeggio.

Brillante partenza anche per l’IMOCA 60 Artemis Ocean Racing, scattato dalla parte opposta della linea, vicino agli spettatori, affascinati dalla potenza dello scafo di Jhonny Malbon.

Immediata fine dell’avventua per Celox 40. Il Class 40 di Gottifrid Possl ha perso l’albero in uscita da una planata a oltre ventisei nodi a causa della rottura della volante. Nesun ferito a bordo ma regata finita per ovvi motivi.

Emozioni che molti dei protagonisti – una trentina di equipaggi provenienti da dieci nazioni – sognavano di rivivere sin dall’appuntamento del 2006 di questo impegnativo “rally velico”.

[AGGIORNAMENTO ORE 23.54] In tarda serata ICAP Leopard ha contattato il Comitato di Regata per comunicare il proprio ritiro. Nessuna spiegazione è stata data sul motivo che ha portato a tale decisione. Si sa solo che l’equipaggio è sano e salvo e che la barca sta facendo rotta verso Southampton. Icap Leopard sra in costante lotta con Telefonica Azul per il comando della regata. I due Maxi erano incalzati da Groupama, capace di una buona rimonta.

Per seguire la regata sul tracking clicca qui.

Video courtesy The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race.


[Source The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race] The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race exploded into action at 1400 local time under grey leaden skies and big breeze. ICAP Leopard and Telefónica Azul chose to set off from the outer distance mark, and it was a hair-raising sight as RORC Chief Executive, Eddie Warden Owen reports from the race course: “It was a magnificent start, 25 knots from the southwest with gusts of up to 30 knots coming out of the Medina River, Spanish entry Telefónica was an impressive sight, the Volvo 70 is built to race at full tilt around the world and she carried her enormous spinnaker to blast past the 100 foot Leopard at over 25 knots. It was a really impressive sight to these huge machines blasting down the Solent leaving the rest of the 27-strong fleet in their wake.”

The IMOCA 60, Artemis Ocean Racing chose to start on the Island side and spectators on shore had an incredible view of the powerful boat surfing past Cowes.

Tonnerre de Breskens 3 from Holland, went for a spinnaker and staysail and were flying until they broached out in a big gust and changed to jib-top. Next on the water was the young team on the British Keelboat Academy’s John Merricks II who put a reef in the main just before the start, which was a wise move. They handled the boat like seasoned professionals and quickly passed Tonnerre, screaming along under spinnaker, like a scalded cat.

The Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race is a truly international event with boats competing from 10 different countries and they will all be getting a real adrenalin rush as they start this epic and challenging race. They will be relieved as they are finally on their way, many of them will have been planning for this race since the 2006 event.

The forecast is for fast running conditions all the way along the south coast and the wind strength may well increase as the seaway narrows as they go through the Straits of Dover.

The Volvo 70, Groupama had a late start due to damage sustained whilst they were on their mooring in a coming together with Tonnerre de Breskens. Groupama had to fix damage to their hull prior to starting the race.

Gottfried Pössl’s Class 40, Celox 40 was dismasted shortly after the start as boat captain Andreas Hanakamp explains: “We were doing 26.4 knots of boat speed when the runner gave way, everybody is okay but shattered. We have anchored the rig and marked it, so that it should not be a danger to shipping. We are very disappointed not to race, but delighted that nobody has been injured.”

After just one and half hours of racing. Telefónica Azul and ICAP Leopard are virtually neck and neck, blast reaching at 25 knots past Owers light buoy. Groupama have made a good recovery and are not far behind.

[UPDATE23.54] ICAP Leopard has contacted the RORC Race Office to announce that they are retiring from the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race. The crew are safe and well and are making a course for Southampton. At the present moment in time, the reason for their retirement is unknown.

“Sadly we have had to retire off Beachy Head! So heading back to Southampton eta tomorrow early. Regards Mike/Leopard

To follow the race on tracking click here.

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