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Conclusi alcuni test strutturali, tesi a verificare le condizioni di BOR 90 dopo la lunga traversata oceanica a bordo del cargo Ocean Lady, BMW...
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Foto courtesy Gilles Martin Raget/BMW Oracle Racing.

America’s Cup – Valencia – Conclusi alcuni test strutturali, tesi a verificare le condizioni di BOR 90 dopo la lunga traversata oceanica a bordo del cargo Ocean Lady, BMW Oracle Racing ha fatto il suo debutto nelle acque di Valencia. Armata la wing sail, il maxi trimarano statunitense, ufficialmente battezzato USA in ottemperanza di quanto dichiarato davanti al giudice Shirley Kornreich della Corte Suprema dello Stato di New York e di quanto riportato sul certificato di stazza, ha incrociato nelle acque antistanti la spiaggia della Malvarosa per alcune ore, seguito da una nutrita schiera di mezzi d’appoggio.

Scontata la scelta del numero velico: USA porta sulle vele la sigla USA-17 che da sempre identifica le barche armate da Larry Ellison e che ha trionfato in cinque Mondiali Maxi con Sayonara.

Condizioni meteo ideali – venti tra i 4 e gli 8 nodi e onda appena accennata – hanno permesso agli uomini di James Spithill di raccogliere preziose informazioni e proseguire la messa a punto dell’avveniristica ala rigida.

“Eravamo davvero molto emozionati – ha dichiarato il CEO del team, Russell Coutts, che nel corso della giornata ha incontrato le massime cariche locali consegnando loro il guidone del Golden Gate Yacht Club – Per arrivare a questo punto, ed essere pronti per navigare, ci sono voluti grandi sforzi, ma finalmente siamo qui ed è un momento molto importante per il nostro team”.

[flashvideo filename=video/americascup/USA_210110.flv /]
Video copyright BMW Oracle Racing.

[BMW Oracle Racing Press Release] BMW Oracle Racing, with its trimaran and towering wing sail, made its debut on Spanish waters Tuesday afternoon. It’s the first time the American team has sailed its America’s Cup boat at the venue of the 33rd Match.

When the boat took to the waters off the Port of Valencia, it was sporting USA emblazoned on its stern, the name designated for the boat by the Golden Gate Yacht Club when it challenged for the 33rd America’s Cup.

Previously, the trimaran had been called the BOR 90. But now, in Spanish waters, this is the name the boat will carry into battle for the America’s Cup next month.

Conditions were ideal for a first test sail with four to eight knots of wind and just a small chop on the otherwise flat water.

“Everyone was very excited to get out on the water,” team CEO Russell Coutts confirmed after a successful day of test “It’s been quite a process to get here, get set up and be ready to sail. But that’s the point we’re at now and it’s a big milestone for the team”.

When the team returned to its boatyard in the Port, the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Francisco Camps, and the Mayoress of Valencia, Rita Barberá, were on hand to officially welcome BMW Oracle Racing to Valencia ahead of the America’s Cup Match and to see the trimaran and wing sail up close for the first time.

Coutts, speaking with the dignitaries, announced that as of its Spanish launch, the boat is now named USA and he confirmed the team is very happy to be in its second ‘home’ of Valencia. BMW Oracle Racing has had a base in the Spanish city since 2004.

Behind him, USA with its wing sail was sitting on a mooring. The wing carried an American flag and the sail number USA-17, which team founder Larry Ellison has used on many of his successful sailing campaigns, including five Maxi World championship wins with his Sayonara race yacht.

Following Tuesday’s initial test sail, the sailing crew will step up its testing programme this week as the team prepares for the 33rd America’s Cup Match, scheduled to begin on February 8.

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