America’s Cup, Team Aleph presenta la sua sfida… quasi
America's CupVela 1 Ottobre 2010 Zerogradinord 0
America’s Cup – Parigi – Come annunciato qualche giorno fa, Bertrand Pacé, Philippe Ligot, Jean-Michel Hieaux e Patrick Goddet hanno presentato Aleph Team France, sindacato francese che, con l’appoggio della Federvela transalpina, ha in animo di lanciare la sua sfida alla 34ma America’s Cup. Va comunque sottolineato come il team sia ancora impegnato nella ricerca di parte del budget necessario a portare a termine l’impresa, un budget stimato attorno ai 50 milioni di Euro. A tal proposito è stato evidenziato come Group Havas, società specializzata in sponsorizzazioni, ha portato a termine uno studio che prevede il ritorno nell’ordine del tre a uno dei soldi investiti dagli sponsor nel mondo dell’America’s Cup.
“Per costruire una sfida seria abbiamo bisogno di grandi partner – ha detto lo skipper Bertrand Pacé – Questo è il nostro obiettivo e contiamo di chiudere importanti contratti da qui a fine anno. Il Protocollo che abbiamo negoziato offre grandi opportunità. Ci auguriamo di poter contribuire a scrivere una nuova pagina di storia della vela grazie al supporto di realtà importanti”.
Reduce da una serie di partecipazioni alle varie tappe del Louis Vuitton Trophy in vero conclusesi con risultati poco felici, Aleph Team France si propone di radunare il meglio della vela francese in fatto di designer, architetti e velisti. Come detto, a guidare il team sarà l’esperto Bertrand Pacé, velista che ha al suo attivo sei campagne di Coppa America.
“Abbiamo deciso di lanciare la nostra sfida perchè, grazie alle decisioni di BMW Oracle Racing, il nuovo formato della manifestazione offre grandi opportunità a tutti i protagonisti e i particolar modo ai francesi – ha commentato Bertrand Pacé – Da sempre, infatti, siamo all’avanguardia per quanto riguarda le tecnologie applicate ai multiscafi. Inoltre, grande visibilità sarà garantita agli sponsor che nel periodo precedente lo svolgimento della Coppa avranno a disposizione la vetrina di tre Campionati del Mondo riservati alle neonate classi AC45 e AC72″.
[Source] On Thursday, 30th September, at the seat of the FF Voile, Bertrand Pacé, Philippe Ligot, Jean-Michel Hieaux and Patrick Goddet presented Aleph Team France, the French syndicate that will apply to become a challenger at the 34th America’s Cup.
The Federal Support and status of the French Team
Supported by the FF Voile, the project will be honoured with the status The French Team for the 34th America’s Cup as soon as it becomes an official challenger. Aleph Team France wants to crystallize French talent (architects, engineers, sailors) around the experienced Bertrand Pacé, a specialist in the America’s Cup area with six participations, to build a competitive, accessible and popular project. The French skipper wants “to open” the project to the French specialists of multihull who want to build within the team.
Promising Results on the Louis Vuitton circuit
A member of the World Sailing Association that gathers the potential challengers for the America’s Cup, Aleph Team France distinguished itself in 2009 and 2010 on the Louis Vuitton Trophy circuit in beating the Italians (winners of the edition in Nice), the New Zealanders (winners of the edition in Auckland and multiple winers of the America’s Cup), the Russians (finalists in La Maddalena), the Americans (current Defenders of the America’s Cup) and the talented English.
Athletic and media opportunities offered by the new format of the America’s Cup
The French project offers the double opportunity that the new format of the America’s Cup, presented on 13th September, but the Defender of the trophy, BMW Oracle Racing. A unique sporting and architectural opportunity is presented as the the French school is the world-wide reference in the domain of multihulls. A media opportunity because the device set up by the American syndicate will have many events, with a dozen planned within 3 years, an annual World Championship on exceptional boats of their dimensions, their speeds and their ability to sail between 5 and 25 knots and races both one on one and fleet racing. These events will be broadcast with sophisticated means of production (3D and telemetry) and the spectators will be able to follow the races since the sailing boats will be loaded with microphones and movie cameras.
Setting up of big partnerships becomes a priority
Aleph Team France is actively seeking big partners to finance the global project of 50 million Euros over 3 years. A complete package for partnership is proposed to the sponsors in exchange for their investment. This includes, notably: The name of the team (Naming), other opportunities arising, and the possibility for 700 VIP partners to embark on board a Class America French boat or boat accompanying the racing during the regattas, a partnership from 2011 to 2013 with the FF Voile and the 492 French Sailing Schools as well as an agreement concerning the dedicated broadcasting of 1,056 programmes concluded with Itelevision, Infosport and Sport+over the same period.
A study ordered by Aleph Team France to the Group Havas evaluates the return on net investment of partnerships offered as 3 on 1
“To construct an very competitive sporting project we must be joined by big partners. This is our challenge for the end of this year. The new format of the America’s Cup and the partnerships that we have negotiated allow us to propose a very attractive project. We hope to co-write with these big partners a beautiful page of the history of French sport,” explained Bertrand Pacé, Skipper of Aleph Team France.
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