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Sono uscite tutte e dieci, oggi, le imbarcazioni della TP52 Series, per cercare di scoprire tutti i segreti del campo di regata di Cagliari,...

Audi MedCup – Cagliari – Sono uscite tutte e dieci, oggi, le imbarcazioni della TP52 Series, per cercare di scoprire tutti i segreti del campo di regata di Cagliari, preparandosi al meglio per il Trofeo Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, ultimo evento del Circuito Audi MedCup 2010. Giornata più tranquilla, invece, per i quattro GP42, che hanno potuto approfittare della sosta in banchina per mettere a punto gli ultimi dettagli.

Mentre i team si allenavano, a terra intanto l’Audi MedCup è entrate nel vivo, con l’apertura del Villaggio Pubblico che, ogni giorno, sarà visitabile dalle 11.00 alle 21.00. Tante, come sempre, le attrazioni dedicate ad appassionati e non, come il simulatore di guida Audi, i simulatori di winch e le barche radiocomandate.

La giornata ha offerto anche la possibilità di visitare, dalle 18.00 alle 20.30, le banchine dove sono ormeggiate le barche: un Open Pontoon day che ha permesso di vedere da vicino queste Formula Uno del mare.

In serata, dalle ore 20.00, il Villaggio si animerà invece con il concerto degli Zaman, un giovane gruppo reggae, mentre domani sarà il momento dei Rocket Queens.

Sentito in banchina
Francesco Bruni, tattico di Matador: “Oggi le condizioni erano divertenti, soprattutto per quelli che sono gli standard di Cagliari, che offre solitamente venti più costanti. Oggi invece continuava a girare fra termica e maestrale, con salti fino a 40/50 gradi, e con le nuvole che non aiutavano l’aria a stabilizzarsi. Abbiamo corso due regate con questi venti instabili, eravamo in sette barche, le altre hanno preferito allenarsi per i fatti loro. Per domani comunque ci aspettiamo condizioni simili, con intensità da 7 a 14 nodi”.

Iain Percy, tattico di Team Origin 1851: “È la prima volta che torno qui dopo quasi 17 anni, quando ero impegnato con il Laser European Tour, e ho potuto realizzare quanto fossi giovane allora. Oggi è stato divertente, la termica ha cercato di entrare più volte, andandosene però poco dopo. Siamo positivi guardando a quest’ultima tappa, con la flotta così vicina è impossibile dire cosa succederà, e le sorprese non mancheranno di certo!”.


[Audi MedCup Press Release] But for this key finale of the 2010 Audi MedCup Circuit all bases need to be covered, all weather possibilities prepared for.

So today’s reconnaissance practice racing, a refresher for many of the 52 Series teams who have been here before, may have been a head-scratcher at times with some big wind shifts, but it is all valuable experience as the countdown to Monday’s 52 Series Practice Race, and Tuesday’s regatta racing, ticks away.

There is still plenty for teams to gain, and to prove. Britain’s TeamOrigin are keen to finish their debut season on the Audi MedCup Circuit on a high note but also face up to a tussle with world champions, Alberto Roemmers’ Matador for the third step on the season’s podium.

It is the British 52 Series team’s first visit to Cagliari. Double gold medal winner Iain Percy’s last visit to these waters, he admitted with a wry grin today was 17 years ago, when his four times Olympic medal winning skipper Ben Ainslie won his first Laser Radial European title at the same regatta.

The absence of Melges 24 World title winner Lorenzo Brassani means that the helm of Luna Rossa has been handed to Trieste’s young Alberto Bolzan who steered Pisco Sour at some regattas last season.

With Sunday also offering free practice, the winds look to be a little stronger for the final informal warm up.

Ashore, the Audi MedCup Public Village opened at 1100hrs this morning and has been the focal point of the day, going through to this evening’s reggae band Zaman who kick off a full week of musical entertainment into each evening. Tomorrow it is the Rocket Queens.

This evening, with all of the 52 Series boats assembled pristine and race ready, the Audi MedCup Public Village opens the pontoons to public for visitors to see these high tech machines up close.

The Audi MedCup Public Village is open each day with free access from 11.00 to 21.00.

Quotes of the day
Iain Percy, tactician of Team Origin: “It’s my first time back here for, I think, I’m embarrassed to say, 17 years. So I realized how old I was, I did the Laser European championships here when I was very young. But it was great out there today, the sea-breeze was almost wanting to come in, and then went, and then came in again. But the racing I think can be really fun.
Overall I think of all the cities we’ve been to this season have all been really fantastic. This place has such a nice feel, and it feels good with where we are. We’re looking forward to this last event. But it’s funny you never quite know what the conditions are going to be. It can surprise even what you think yourself is going to happen”.

Francesco Bruni, tactician of Matador: “Today conditions where funny by usual Cagliari standards. Winds here are usually pretty constant, either sea breeze or mistral are the main wind directions. But today we’ve had a mix of both of them with 40 to 50 degrees shifts in two minutes. We’ve played the role of race committee today on the water, so to speak, and it’s been difficult. The clouds we’re not helping the wind settle. Seven or eight boats ‘raced’, the rest were practicing on their own.”

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