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Si è svolta mercoledì mattina a Parigi la cerimonia di presentazione della Vendée Globe 2012, evento che avrà inizo alle 14.00 di domenica 11...

Vendée Globe – Parigi – Si è svolta mercoledì mattina a Parigi la cerimonia di presentazione della Vendée Globe 2012, evento che avrà inizo alle 14.00 di domenica 11 novembre 2012 da Les Sables d’Olonne e si concluderà nella stessa cittadina francese dopo che i concorrenti avranno completato il periplo del globo senza scalo e senza assistenza esterna.

Ma la vera notizia è che a poco meno di due anni dalla partenza sono ben dodici gli skipper che hanno già annunciato la loro partecipazione, meno della metà di quanti hanno espresso il loro interesse nei confronti di questa grande classica della vela oceanica.

Dopo aver ricordato che quella del 2012 sarà la settima edizione della Vendée Globe, Bruno Retailleau, presidente del Vendée Council, ha snocciolato alcuni numeri del Vendée Globe, utili a rendere chiara l’idea di quanto il pubblico e gli addetti ai lavori apprezzino l’idea della sfida, sportiva ed umana, che sta alle spalle della manifestazione. Solo l’ultima edizione ha mosso l’interesse di oltre 1.700.000 spettatori ed ha generato un indotto economico di oltre 39 milioni di Euro.

Tra i sicuri protagonisti della prossima edizione ci saranno Vincent Riou, vincitore della penultima edizione, e Francois Gabart che, sfruttando la consulenza tecnica del due volte trionfatore Michel Desjoyeaux, ha da poco iniziato la costruzione di un nuovo IMOCA 60. Non mancheranno poi altri grandi nomi della vela oceanica come, tanto per citarne alcuni: Arnaud Boissières, Kito de Pavant, Alex Thomson, Jean Pierre Dick, Dominique Wavre e Bernard Stamm.

Sottolineando che saranno ben sei i nuovi IMOCA 60 sulla linea di partenza – tre dei quali firmati da VPLP-Verdier e uno di Juan Kouyoumdjian – Retailleau ha poi confermato che ci sono altri skipper al lavoro per definire budget e programma in vista della Vendée Globe 2012-2013. Tra questi, a buon punto sono Arme Le Cléac’h, Mike Golding, Christopehr Pratt, Jérémie Beyou, Yannik Bestaven e Samantha Davies.

Diverse saranno anche le novità riguardanti la sicurezza. Il nuovo regolamento di classe ha infatti imposto una limitazione all’altezza degli alberi – 29 metri – l’esecuzione di verifiche strutturali su base annuale e raccomandazioni circa il posizionamento dell’oblò di sicurezza da utilizzare in caso di ribaltamento.

Per il 2012, inoltre, il montepremi aumenterà di 100.000 Euro, passando da 500 a 600.000 Euro complessivi. Al vincitore andranno 160.000 Euro, al secondo 100.000 Euro e al terzo 75.000 Euro. Novità riguarderanno anche il villaggio, dato che per la prima volta la Vendée Globe vanterà un punto accoglienza anche in centro a Parigi, già sede del quartier generale dell’evento.

Per visitare il sito web dell’evento clicca qui.

[Vendée Globe Press Release] Bruno Retailleau, President of the Vendée Council officially launched the seventh Vendée Globe at a press conference organised on Wednesday at the Paris Boat Show. The Vendée Globe 2012-2013 will set sail from les Sables d’Olonne on Sunday 11th November 2012 at 1400hrs GMT and already looks like being a vintage edition. With two years to go to the start, twelve sailors have already announced their intention of taking part and between 28 and 35 boats are forecast to be there at the start.

Bruno Retailleau, President of the Vendée Council, Louis Guédon, MP and Mayor of les Sables d’Olonne, Luc Talbourdet, President of the IMOCA class and Patricia Brochard, CEO of Sodebo officially launched the seventh Vendée Globe on Wednesday 8th November at the Nautic, the Paris Boat Show. After reminding everyone of the unique character of the Vendée Globe, an event which is a major sporting event, but also important in terms of the media coverage and the economic consequences (1.7 million people attended the start and the finish generating revenue estimated to be worth more than 39 million euros), Bruno Retailleau announced the official publication of the Notice of Race. He reminded everyone that “the event fits in perfectly with the identity of Vendée, the department so closely linked to the sea” before revealing the new features in the 2012-2013 event.

Start on 11th November 2012 at 14hrs GMT
In order to encourage the public, the date chosen for the start coincides with the middle of the half-term holidays in France and is in fact a bank holiday: the starting gun will go off on Sunday 11th November 2012 at 14hrs GMT. 28 sailors are expected to line up to attempt this adventure, including one previous winner: Vincent Riou. As for the organisers, they were pleased to learn about the recent project announced by François Gabart, who will be building his own 60-foot IMOCA boat with the Vendée Globe in mind. The technical details for this project will be taken care of by a certain Michel Desjoyeaux, twice winner of the Vendée Globe.

With two years to go to the start, twelve projects are already complete, or in other words one more than at the same time in the previous edition, and we can already confirm the names of nine of them: Arnaud Boissières, Kito de Pavant, Alex Thomson, Vincent Riou, Jean-Pierre Dick, Dominique Wavre, Bernard Stamm, François Gabart and Safran.

Bruno Retailleau also explained that some projects are due to be finalised in the first half of 2011, and these include Armel Le Cléac’h, Mike Golding, and Christopher Pratt, Finally, “ten other skippers have officially announced that they would like to take part in the race and are in contact with a sponsor.” They are Jérémie Beyou, Yannick Bestaven, Samantha Davies, Raphaël Dinelli, Rich Wilson, Yann Elies, Boris Herrmann, Dee Caffari, Marc Emig, a Polish and a Spanish sailor. So in all there are around thirty sailors seriously committed to signing up to line up for the start on 11th November 2012.

As for the boats, at least six new IMOCA monohulls are due to start the race, including the three VPLP-Verdier designed boats sailed by Vincent Riou, Jean-Pierre Dick and François Gabart as well as Bernard Stamm’s Juan K-designed boat. Two other boats are in the process of being built.

New safety arrangements
We can also see that some new safety measures have been put in place, linked to the modifications to IMOCA class rules aimed at reducing damage to masts and keels: power limited by the new righting moment, an air draught limited to 29 metres, annual checks on all the masts and keels, which have to conform to stricter construction rules. In addition, the emergency hatch will have to be located above the waterline and each skipper will have to wear an individual beacon at all times.

For 2012, the prize money will be increased by 100,000 euros in comparison to the last race, which takes it to a total of 600,000 euros (including 160,000 € for the winner, 100,000 € for the runner-up and 75,000 € for third place). As for the Race Directors, an invitation for tender will go out to recruit the Race Director for the 2012-2013 race, and Mathias Lallemand will be taking on the role of permanent shore-based assistant director. Two other developments were announced: the race will be even more of an international affair and there will be a major change to the race village: a new Race Village will be built in Port Olona, and for the first time a Vendée Globe Village will also be set up in Paris.

With the publication of the Notice of Race, registrations can officially begin and will be open until 1st July 2012. The countdown has begun.

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