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E' di Mathieu Richard la prima firma nell'albo d'oro del World Match Racing Tour 2010. Il timoniere francese, tattico di Team Aleph in ambito...

World Match Racing Tour – Marsiglia – E’ di Mathieu Richard la prima firma nell’albo d’oro del World Match Racing Tour 2010. Il timoniere francese, tattico di Team Aleph in ambito Louis Vuitton Trophy, ha infatti messo le mani sull’assegno da 10.000 Dollari riservato al primo classificato nel Match Race France.

Richard, che già lo scorso anno era andato vicinissimo alla vittoria nelle acque di Marsiglia arrendendosi proprio all’ultimo ad Adam Minoprio, poi vincitore del circuito, ha sconfitto in finale per due a zero lo skipper di Team Origin, Ben Ainslie, dimostrando di gradire sia il J-80, scafo scelto dal Comitato Organizzatore della manifestazione, quanto le condizioni di vento leggero che hanno caratterizzato la giornata conclusiva.

A completare il podio è stato il nostro Francesco Bruni che, persa la semifinale contro Mathieu Richard per due a uno dopo essere stato in vantaggio, ha dovuto confrotarsi con Paolo Cian, a sua volta eliminato da Ben Ainslie con lo stesso punteggio. Nonostante nessuno dei due taliani sia riuscito a mettere un piede in finale, resta il primato, e la soddisfazione, di aver visto due nostri connazionali avanzare con decisione fino alla semifinale di un evento del World Match Racing Tour per la prima volta nella storia della manifestazione.

La prossima tappa del circuito internazionale dell’uno contro uno è in programma a Langenargen tra il 19 e il 24 maggio.

World Match Racing Tour, overall standing
1. Mathieu Richard, French Match Racing Team, pt. 25
2. Ben Ainslie, Team Origin, pt. 20
3. Francesco Bruni, Azzurra, pt. 15
4. Paolo Cian, Team Italia, pt. 12
5. Sébastien Col, All4One, pt. 10
6. Adam Minoprio, ETNZ/BlackMatch Racing, pt. 8
7. Philippe Presti, pt. 6
8. Torvar Mirsky, Mirsky Racing Team, pt. 4
9. Pierre-Antoine Morvan
10. Bertrand Pacé, Aleph Sailing Team
11. Peter Gilmour, Yanmar Racing
12. Gian Luca Perris

[World Match racing Tour Press Release] Match Race France, Stage 1 of the ISAF World Match Racing Tour has put a new twist on an ancient maritime tale. The scenario of English sailors battling French sailors is reminiscent of the famed 1805 Battle of Trafalgar when UK’s Lord Nelson defeated Emperor Napoleon of France. Ben Ainslie Team Origin took on Mathieu Richard , the French local, Richard, took a convincing victory winning both of the final two matches raced under a testing 6-7 knot westerly. Richard celebrated with local Marseille supporters, who were quick to take to the water in boats of all sizes.

Mathieu Richard, who is also tactician for the French America’s Cup syndicate, Team Aleph, was in jubilant form with the back drop of Queen’s notorious lyrics playing ‘We are the Champions’, “It is really great to win Stage 1 of the 2010 ISAF World Match Racing Tour, we are very happy to have won here in Marseille. We had a slow start to the regatta, but a slow start motivates you to really improve when it counts. My team worked fantastically with great communication and tactics”.

Ainslie sees his time invested in attending World Match Racing Tour events as a profitable way to keep his match race training fresh: “My ultimate goal for the ISAF World Match Racing Tour events is to improve my match racing skills and rules knowledge”. The Tour forms an important ingredient in Ainslie’s long term America’s Cup ambition with Team Origin.

For Richard, instead of winning back trade routes through lifting sea blockades as in the 1800s, today’s victor heads home from Match Race France with a prize packet of 10.000 Euros.

This is a very lucrative reward for five days of racing against some of the world’s most esteemed match racers and also provides French Match Racing Team with 25 points in pursuit of the ultimate ISAF Match Racing World Championship title.

This French event has seen a significant elevation of the Tour’s profile across social media networks, the communication channel now essential in satisfying the public’s thirst for ‘real time’ sports results. The live blog, newly introduced to the World Match Racing Tour media machine this year, has been a certain success. It has formed the engine to accelerate the Tour into virtual on line conversations through tweets and Facebook Wall posts. A one hour television show on Match Race France is also being broadcast internationally later this month.

The beach based prize giving closes Stage 1 of the 2010 World Match Racing Tour and leads us into the 9 remaining Stages around the globe. Stage 2 of the World Match Racing Tour will be run in Langenargen, Germany 19 – 24 May where Mathieu Richard will again be racing.

World Match Racing Tour, overall standing
1. Mathieu Richard, French Match Racing Team, pt. 25
2. Ben Ainslie, Team Origin, pt. 20
3. Francesco Bruni, Azzurra, pt. 15
4. Paolo Cian, Team Italia, pt. 12
5. Sébastien Col, All4One, pt. 10
6. Adam Minoprio, ETNZ/BlackMatch Racing, pt. 8
7. Philippe Presti, pt. 6
8. Torvar Mirsky, Mirsky Racing Team, pt. 4
9. Pierre-Antoine Morvan
10. Bertrand Pacé, Aleph Sailing Team
11. Peter Gilmour, Yanmar Racing
12. Gian Luca Perris

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