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I quarantacinque skipper iscritti alla Solitarie du Figaro sono ormai pronti per iniziare la loro avventura. La prima tappa dell'edizione 2010 avrà infatto inizio...

[singlepic id=3675 w=300 h=200 float=left]Solitaire du Figaro – Le Havre – I quarantacinque skipper iscritti alla Solitarie du Figaro sono ormai pronti per iniziare la loro avventura. La prima tappa dell’edizione 2010 avrà infatto inizio domani: 515 miglia da Le Havre a Gijon. Al via otto debuttanti – incluso il talentuoso minista portoghese Francisco Lobato – cinque skipper di nazionalità non francese – tra questi il nostro Pietro D’Alì, al rientro dopo l’abbandono di due anni fa a causa di una grave congiuntivite – e tre donne, con il gradito ritorno di Karinne Fauconnier. In regata anche diversi talenti che la Solitaire l’hanno già vinta in passato: Jérémie Beyou (BPI), Kito de Pavant (Groupe Bel), Eric Drouglazet (Luisina), Armel le Cléac’h (Brit Air) and Nicholas Lunven (Generali).

In merito al suo ritorno, Pietro D’Alì, che timonerà i.Nova 3, ha dichiarato: “La barca è ok ed è pronta a prendere il mare. Sono contentissimo di tornare in regata nella Solitaire. E’ una manifestazione che amo: la mia prima partecipazione fu davvero ottima. Spero di poter fornire prestazioni analoghe quest’anno ma so che non sarà facile perchp gli avversari sono motivatissimi”.

I protagonisti dell’evento hanno già avuto modo di confrontarsi ieri pomeriggio, in occasione del prologo, vinto da Gildas Morvan sul solito Cercle Vert.

Da domani, come detto, si farà sul serio. La prima frazione, oltre ad essere la più lunga di questa edizione, sarà anche la più tecnica: “Sarà davvero dura, perchè scenderemo dalla penisola di Cherbourg lungo le coste Bretoni prima di lanciarci nell’attraversata del Goldo di Biscaglia” spiega Johnny Malbon di Artemis.

Le previsioni meteo annunciano venti leggeri per le prime ore di regata, quindi pronosticano un aumento della brezza da nordovest che, notte tempo, potrebbe raggiungere i 25 nodi prima di tornare a indebolirsi in prossimità dell’arrivo.

Per visitare il sito della regata clicca qui.

[Solitaire du Figaro Press Release] The 45 competitors taking part in the 2010 edition of the classic summer solo race, La Solitaire du Figaro, are set to sail from Le Havre for Gijón on a 515 nautical mile leg tomorrow, Tuesday 27th July; the first of four stage race over the course of the next four weeks. With 8 rookies geared up for their first participation, 5 non French sailors wishing to leave their mark and 3 women including the return of Karinne Fauconnier, the 2010 line up promises to produce some memorable racing.
After yesterday’s Prologue, won by Gildas Morvan (Cercle Vert), the solo sailors have spent the day making final preparations for tomorrow’s 14.00 start. The first leg comprises a 515-nautical mile run, the longest of the four legs, from Le Havre, in Northern Normandy to the pretty port of Gijón in Asturias on the Cantabrian coastline. “It is a very technical and difficult leg route across the to Cherbourg peninsula and then though renowned difficult areas across the Breton coast before crossing the Bay of Biscay.” Explains Jonny Malbon, who returns on board Artemis for his second participation.

The weather forecasts vary and there could be either very light wind for the start of up to 10-12 knots from the northwest depending on which module you look at, explains Sylvain Mondon (Météo France). “In the worst case we could have little and variable breeze for the start or if we look at the more favourable modules, we could see the northwesterly breeze established for the upwind run to the Cotentin headland for the first night. The breeze should freshen up and we could see up to 25 knots as it backs to the west and the turning tide, which will make for a tough first night of racing.” Continues Mondon. Once the fleet round the Brittany point, with the wind of the beam, the forecast is for the breeze to lighten providing for a comfortable run with some it should be a straight down wind run towards Spain. “We can expect to see the first reach Gijon in the early hours of Saturday” predicts Mondon, if the forecasts do not develop and change too much.

The worlds leading solo sailors inevitably pass through the challenge of participating in the classic Figaro race. This 41st edition is no different. We see experienced sailors returning to hone their skills against the young future stars aiming to leave their mark. Previous winners include Jérémie Beyou (BPI), Kito de Pavant (Groupe Bel), Eric Drouglazet (Luisina), Armel le Cléac’h (Brit Air) and Nicholas Lunven (Generali).

Race Director, Jacques Caraës foresees the first leg complications to be three points of passage: Barfleur, the Raz Blanchard (the island of Aurigny to be left to starboard), then the Four channel. “The first part is pretty much coastal. Setting certain passage points avoids the DST (maritimes traffic) off Aurigny and Ushant. This should make the racing more interesting, particularly now that the skippers can better navigate delicate areas where current and rocks can come into play. It should be an interesting first race as all are well prepared and rested.” Summarises Caraës.

Pietro D’Alì from Italy, returns to La Solitaire on his fourth participation with a new sponsor i.Nova 3: “The boat is ok and checked. I hope I will sail well, because it’s a great race. My first participation was quite good and I want to repeat that result if I can. I know it’s hard because there are so many good sailors. I will try not to think bout the overall result but to race each leg as best as possible. We prepared in la Grande Motte and taking part to the Quiberon Solo and I believe now I’m ready to go.”

Francisco Lobato (Roff / Tempo-Team) from Portugal: “It has been great to have the support of the pôle d’entraînement de Port-La-Forêt to train and prepare for the Figaro races. Speaking French has really made it easier to get integrated and work with all the others. Although I have gained experience, I am still learning and must take care to not make mistakes. There are some good rookies, particularly Anthony Marchand (Espoir Région Bretagne) and so am going to work to do my best. The mini sailing experience will come in handy for the first leg and I see that there could possibly some options once we head down into the Gulf of Biscay.”

Jonny Malbon (Artemis) from the UK on his 2nd participation: “It’s quite clear that there won’t be a lot of opportunities to get some sleep on this first leg. By the look of it, it should take us four and a half days to reach Gijon in Spain. Even if I know it’s going to be very tough, I’m extremely positive and enthusiastic. This is the race I’ve been waiting for and I understand why so many of these guys are hooked! It’s a special event with an atmosphere of its own.”

To visit the event website click here.

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