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Facendo seguito all'ultima azione legale promossa dal Golden Gate Yacht Club e BMW Oracle Racing contro la località scelta da Alinghi per lo svolgimento...

America’s Cup – Ras Al Khaimah – Facendo seguito all’ultima azione legale promossa dal Golden Gate Yacht Club e BMW Oracle Racing contro la località scelta da Alinghi per lo svolgimento della 33maAmerica’s Cup, ritenuta poco sicura perchè vicina all’Iran, il governo di Ras al Khaimah ha diffuso un comunicato stampa per controbattere alle osservazioni degli statunitensi. A parlare è Kater Massad, CEO della RAK Investments Authority e consigliere particolare delo sceicco Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, principe reggente del piccolo emirato.

“Gli Emirati Arabi, e più espressamente Ras al Khaimah, sono posti estremamente sicuri per lo svolgimento della Coppa America. Gli Emirati e Raa al Khaimah hanno ottimi rapporti con gli Stati confinanti e i turisti vengono accolti con grande amicizia – si legge nel comunicato – Non c’è alcun motivo di preoccupazione anche perchè un evento del genere conterà sull’appoggio della Marina, della Guardia Costiera e della Polizia… A livello internazionale è risaputo che gli Emirati Arabi sono una delle località di vacanza più ambite e che il tasso di delinquenza è uno dei più bassi al mondo. Più dell’80% delle imprese presenti in zono sono filiali di importanti aziende internazionali e non hanno mai avuto problemi, specie in termini di sicurezza…”.

[Source Alinghi] Following the latest lawsuit brought by Golden Gate Yacht Club-BMW Oracle Racing and their claims of a lack of safety in Ras al Khaimah, UAE, the Venue for the 33rd America’s Cup, the local government authorities issued the following press release today refuting the American team’s claims.

America’s Cup to highlight Ras Al Khaimah’s popularity as a safe destination
RAK Investment Authority, the government agency responsible for attracting economic development and promoting the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, issued a statement today addressing the concerns raised about security for the upcoming 33rd America’s Cup to be held in February 2010.

“The UAE and specifically Ras Al Khaimah is an extremely safe venue for the America’s Cup. The Emirate of Ras al Khaimah has peaceful and friendly relations with all of its neighbours. The venue and all the visitors to Ras Al Khaimah in the coming weeks and months will be received in a similar friendly, peaceful and security conscious way,” said Dr Khater Massaad, CEO of RAK Investment Authority and Special Advisor to Ras Al Khaimah’s Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler, H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi.

Massaad went on to say that: “It is quite reasonable to state that security for the America’s Cup would be significant no matter where the event is held and in Ras Al Khaimah this event will receive the same level of importance with full cooperation from the Navy, Coast Guards and the Police services to ensure the safety and well being of all visitors to the Emirate.”

Internationally, the UAE has a well regarded reputation as one of safest holiday destinations and for maintaining one of the lowest crime rates in the world. The country annually welcomes international events of all sorts: academic, diplomatic, sporting, business… and has never had any problems, particularly in terms of safety. We are familiar with hosting sports personalities – including Americans – who compete in events with worldwide acclaim.

Ras Al Khaimah and the UAE is a multicultural and forward looking country, there are, for example, 87 American companies which represent approximately 8% of the new companies that have commenced business in the emirate over the past few years. These figures grow in to the hundreds when you look at the UAE as a whole.

“More than 80% of the total numbers of new companies in Ras Al Khaimah are foreign-owned, further proving that the Emirate is a very safe and productive place to do business and to live. The local and federal governments have worked hard to transform the Emirates in to an investor’s haven, with security as a core element,” concluded Dr Khater Massaad

The Emirate has been working for the past two months installing infrastructure on Al Hamra Island, the base for both teams, and is reaching the final stages of delivery for Alinghi. However, Dr Massaad said, Ras Al Khaimah is still waiting for direction from BMW Oracle in regards to their requirements.

In addition, Ras Al Khaimah offers close to 3.000 hotel rooms and is situated less than one hour north of Dubai, where there are in excess of 10.000 hotel rooms available to visitors and fans of the event.

Local and international experts and officials concur that Ras Al Khaimah is one of the safest destinations for the 33rd America’s Cup. “We hope BMW Oracle will reconsider their position and join us in Ras al Khaimah for what will be one of the greatest sporting spectacles in the history of yachting,” said Massaad.

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