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Prenderanno inizio tra qualche ora i primi voli del Marsiglia International Match Race, prima tappa del World Match Racing Tour 2009.
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Marsiglia International Match Race – Marsiglia – Prenderanno inizio tra qualche ora i primi voli del Marsiglia International Match Race, prima tappa del World Match Racing Tour 2009.

A Marsiglia, dopo la sessione di allenamento di ieri, i 12 skipper attendono con impazienza di gettarsi nella mischia a bordo dei J-80 messi a disposizione dal Comitato Organizzatore, consapevoli che sarà una vera e propria battaglia. Le previsioni, infatti, parlano di Maestrale forte, compreso tra forza 6 e 7, in intesificazione nel corso del pomeriggio.

E’ per questo che il Comitato di Regata ha convocato 8 skipper – Mathieu Richard, Iain Ainslie, Paolo Cian, Pierre Antoine Morvan, Ian Williams, Bjorn Hansen, Sebastien Col, Ed Baird – già per le prime ore della mattina, nella speranza di poter svolgere un buon numero di duelli prima che il vento possa obligare a sospendere le regate. A terra, almeno ad inizio giornata, resteranno Damien Iehl, Adam Minoprio, Philippe Presti e Torvar Mirsky.

All’evento prendono parte le rappresentative di diversi team di Coppa America: Alinghi, Team Shosholoza, K-Challenge, French Spirit ed Emirates Team New Zealand.

Per visitare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.

Marseille International Match Race – Marsiglia – Yesterday the Yachting Club de la Pointe Rouge has been boiling over all day. At 9.00 AM, the 12 skippers and their crews took over, to register and get weighed in.

Once the administrative details were dealt with, they only wanted one thing: to get onto the J-80 sand get out onto the water to start sizing up the Southern Bay.

Two groups of 6 teams went out, taking advantage of the great weather conditions to perfect their skills and carry out the final adjustments on board (moderate sea, wind force 4 to 5).

Even though most of the skippers this year have already taken part in the Marseille International Match Race, this year’s regatta is really special as it is the first of the 10 stages of the World Match Racing Tour. Some extra pressure on the teams which are starting the year with what could be a decisive event for the rest of their season.

Programme for today (March 11th) – 1st day of racing
At 9.00 AM, 8 crews – Richard, Ainslie, Cian, Morvan, Williams, Hansen, Col, Baird – will leave the harbour to take part in the first flights.

Tough wind conditions have been forecast for today. The morning’s North-Westerly force 6 – 7 is set to strengthen to force 8 – more than 60 kph.

The Race Committee hopes to be ready on the water as soon as possible, to start the first flights and get a head start before the coming weather conditions… which might be too hard to allow racing to continue.

To visit the event website click here.

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