World Match Racing Tour, presentato il calendario 2010
Match RaceVelaWorld Match Race Tour 1 Dicembre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=3911 w=300 h=204 float=left]World Match Racing Tour – Kuala Terrenganu – Il programma del World Match Racing Tour 2010 comprenderà gli stessi eventi del 2009, avrà inizio in Francia in aprile e si concluderà ancora una volta in Malaysia a dicembre. Questo è quanto comunicato oggi pomeriggio a Kuala Terrenganu, dov’è in corso di svolgimento l’ultima tappa del circuito di quest’anno.
April 6 – 11, Marseille International Match Race / Marseille, France
May 19 – 24, Match Race Germany / Langenargen, Germany
June 8 – 13, Korea Match Cup / Gyeonggi, Korea
June 22 – 27, Troia Portugal Match Cup / Troia, Portugal
July 5 – 11, Match Cup Sweden / Marstrand, Sweden
Aug 31 – Sept 5, St Moritz Match Race / St Moritz, Switzerland
Sept 8 – 12, Danish Open / TBC, Denmark
October 4 – 10, Argo Group Gold Cup / Hamilton, Bermuda
Nov 30 – Dec 5, Monsoon Cup / K.Terengganu, Malaysia
Anche per la prossima stagione sarà confermato il sistema degli inviti utilizzato per la prima volta all’inizio del 2009, anche se non mancheranno alcune piccole modifiche, come ha spiegato il direttore del circuito Craig Mitchell. A nove skipper sarà quindi garantita la presenza a sei eventi di loro scelta. Vista la partecipazione di un massimo di dodici team ad appuntamento, otto posti saranno assegnati con le Card, due andranno ai vincitori degli eventi di qualificazione e altri due verranno attribuiti sulla base dei desideri espressi dall’organizzazione.
Il presidente del circuito, Peter Gilmour, ha sottolineato come: “…si stanno cercando altre località per aumentare il numero degli appuntamenti: del resto è un ottimo momento per il World Match Racing Tour e bisogna darsi da fare per sfruttarlo al meglio e far crescere la manifestazione”.
[World Match Racing Tour, Press Release] The 2010 Tour schedule will comprise of the same nine events as 2009 starting the year in France in April and ending once again in Malaysia.
April 6 – 11, Marseille International Match Race / Marseille, France
May 19 – 24, Match Race Germany / Langenargen, Germany
June 8 – 13, Korea Match Cup / Gyeonggi, Korea
June 22 – 27, Troia Portugal Match Cup / Troia, Portugal
July 5 – 11, Match Cup Sweden / Marstrand, Sweden
Aug 31 – Sept 5, St Moritz Match Race / St Moritz, Switzerland
Sept 8 – 12, Danish Open / TBC, Denmark
October 4 – 10, Argo Group Gold Cup / Hamilton, Bermuda
Nov 30 – Dec 5, Monsoon Cup / K.Terengganu, Malaysia
A refined Tour Invite Policy for the 2010 season will be retained which will reward 9 skippers and teams with guaranteed invites to six events of their choice for the year. “The Tour Card policy was first introduced at the beginning of the 2009 and overall it worked well but in order to improve upon it we have made a few revisions for next year.” said Tour Director Craig Mitchell.
Based on a 9-event schedule, and a 12-team event format, at each event 8 invitations will be allocated by the Tour Invite Policy, 2 invitations go to winners of Tour qualifying events, and 2 or more wild card invites will go to each event promoter.
For teams that don’t get one of the 9 Tour Cards they will still be able to race on the Tour through either an event wild card or at one of the 18 qualifying events that feed into the World Tour events.
New venues are also being targeted as the Tour plans to expand the number of events. “This is an exciting time for everyone involved in the Tour from competitors, events and staff a like. We look forward to taking the Tour to the next level and are excited by the future ahead” said acting President Peter Gilmour.
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