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E' stato presentato ieri ufficialmente il Campionato del Mondo Platu 25 2010. L'evento, in programma ad Alicante tra il 18 e il 24 luglio,...

Platu 25 World Championship – Alicante – E’ stato presentato ieri ufficialmente il Campionato del Mondo Platu 25 2010. L’evento, in programma ad Alicante tra il 18 e il 24 luglio, vedrà al via più di centoventi equipaggi per un totale di oltre seicento velisti coinvolti. Senza dubbio alcuno si tratterà del Mondiale più frequentato della stagione, almeno per quanto riguarda le classi monotipo. Davvero un successo incredibile per un progetto che sta vivendo una seconda giovinezza grazie all’apprezzamento riscontrato in Spagna.

Alla manifestazione importante sarà la rappresentanza italiana, ma i favoriti d’obbligo sono gli iberici di Xacobeo e i greci di Modus Vivendi.

Organizzato dal Reale Club de Regatas di Alicante, il Mondiale ha ottenuto il supporto della Città, dell’Assessorato della Cultura e delo Sport e dell’autorità portuale: “Non sarebbe stato possibile organizzare nulla senza questi interventi – ha spiegato il presidente del club organizzatore Juan Rodriguez Marin – In tempi come questi è davvero un miracolo aver portato un evento così prestigioso nelle nostre acque, ma ce l’abbiamo fatta”.

Per consultare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.

Video courtesy Platu 25 World Championship.

[Platu 25 World Championship Press Release] The Real Club de Regatas de Alicante presented officially the Platu 25 World Championship that will take place in Alicante from the 18th to the 24th of July. Everything is ready in order to welcome this very high level sailing competition which will convert Alicante in to an International sailing centre.

More than 125 boats and 600 yachtsmen will compete to be World Champions. The highest accolade of the year.

The President of the RCRA, Juan Rodríguez Marín told us that the Organisation he leads is very proud to be organising this event.He underlined the involvement in this World Championship of the Town Hall of Alicante, of the Culture and Sport Department and of the Port Authority. “It wouldn’t be possible organizing this event without their cooperation” the RCRA director said, thanking also Caja Mediterráneo, one of the supporters of the World Championship. “It’s a small miracle, in these times to bring a World Championship to our waters, but we got it” concluded Rodríguez Marín.

Ignacio Campos, in charge of logistics for the event told us that the RCRA will install a seesaw pier, permitting boats to dock as near as possible to the City in order to involve the inhabitants and the visitors as much as possible. “Considering how numerous the boats are, it will be complicated to keep the regatta in only one fleet, but we are doing everything possible in order not to split it into two fleets. We’ll try to keep it joined in order to maintain the spectacular impression of the event.

Miguel Campoy, President of the Port Authority, underlined that the contribution of the Port of Alicante to this event is “a duty and an obligation that we do with great pleasure”. Campy noticed that with events like this, Alicante keeps the World Sailing flag very high.

The Culture and Sport Adviser, Trinidad Miró, revealed that when the President of the RCRA urged her support for the celebration of the event “we didn’t think twice for saying yes. The Municipality, as well as staying close to the people, keeps a determined bet for the nautical sports. Miró underlined that Alicante is a city well able to organize events as important as this and she is sure that Alicante will be rise to the occasion as it has always has. It will gain high visibility on the International landscape.

Sonia Castedo, Mayor of Alicante, remarked that Alicante is getting again “in the centre of the nautical sport at an International level”. “Alicante has already proved to be able to organize big events” specified the Mayor,who made the point that “our city is going to become the centre of International navigation.

The Mayor announced the celebration of some complementary activities together with the regatta, whose goal is to increase the touristic feedback (in the sense of earning power) for the city and she gave thanks to the supporters for their involvment in the project.

The RCR of Alicante emphasized that, besides the local Administration, represented by the Culture and Sport Department, the World Championship will be possible thanks to other institutions and people who were present during the press conference. Three departments of the Municipality of Alicante – Tourism, Sport and Trade made a big effort in order to support this event.

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